Harrisonburg Residential Sewer Repairs
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USA Pipe Repair is called out to the jmu area regularly to do pipe lining for one of our plumbing contractors. We have relined castiron, clay, orangeburg, and pvc for the contractors in this area. Usa pipe reapir has shot liners though cleanouts in basements of two of these jobs to leave a prestine untouched look to the job with flawless results. In both instinces the pipes were missing the sides or bottom of the pipe. One had a 25 % of set and the other had a sectiom of pipe which had dissaped and left a six foot gap. In both cases its inpossible to tell that there was ever a problom. We have also shot from the street on two properties at the city conection. This means we are shooting the liner in towards the house. This was done due to the depth of the pipes both being below 15 feet at the house and the shear cost of what would be nessasry to dig these lines up and replace with traditional open trench methods. We also have done two lines from the front of the house out to the city conection. once we compete each job where an acess point is deamed nessary a new pvc clean out is installed at the location of which we worked from. All of these properties are semmingly un tuched and have a beutiful new sewer pipe gauranted to bring years of dependability and care free service.
Get in Touch With the Top-Rated Plumber in Richmond, VA Today!
See for yourself why we're the top choice for top-notch, budget-friendly general plumbing, drain cleaning, excavation, and sewer repair services. Complete client satisfaction is what we aim for every time. Contact us today by calling us or filling out the form to schedule an appointment or request assistance.
In Business Since: 2001
State Licensing
Trade: Plumbing
License #: 2705140622
Expiration: 11-20-2022
Trade: Landscape Service Contracting
License #: 2705140622
Expiration: 11-20-2022
Trade: Highway / Heavy Contractors
License #: 2705140622
Expiration: 11-20-2022
Trade: Master Plumber
License #: 2710066245
Expiration: 02-28-2022
Trade: Class A Contractor
License #: 2705140622
Expiration: 11-20-2022