Miss Mark Mrs. Utility Water Line

Home / Miss Mark Mrs. Utility Water Line

USA Pipe Repair was called in as a sub to boar a waterline in for another plumbing company. When we got on site we found multiple utilities that they had not potholed for us to be able to boar. Once we dug for about 2 hours and were only able to verify one utilities we called Mrs. utility again. At that point it took so long that we had to return the next morning. We were very agitated as the only utility there was the one we had already located and the marking companies apologized. we then were able to boar our line in and pull back 100 foot of k copper. the contractor then took over to finish the job.

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In Business Since: 2001
State Licensing

Trade: Plumbing
License #: 2705140622
Expiration: 11-20-2022

Trade: Landscape Service Contracting
License #: 2705140622
Expiration: 11-20-2022

Trade: Highway / Heavy Contractors
License #: 2705140622
Expiration: 11-20-2022

Trade: Master Plumber
License #: 2710066245
Expiration: 02-28-2022

Trade: Class A Contractor
License #: 2705140622
Expiration: 11-20-2022