Roots Block Sewer Lines in Midlothian, VA

Home / Roots Block Sewer Lines in Midlothian, VA


A property management group that USA Pipe Repair works for had a home which was being moved into by a new renter. When the new renter started to use the facilities they had a backup that flooded part of the basement. When we arrived we jetted the lines and inspected the pipes. We found that the connection to the city main was filled with roots. We decided to excavate the connection and repair the line. The pictures show the roots and the old concrete connection that had to be removed and repaired. After the repair everything is working delightfully and the new renter are very happy that there new home is working perfectly.

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In Business Since: 2001
State Licensing

Trade: Plumbing
License #: 2705140622
Expiration: 11-20-2022

Trade: Landscape Service Contracting
License #: 2705140622
Expiration: 11-20-2022

Trade: Highway / Heavy Contractors
License #: 2705140622
Expiration: 11-20-2022

Trade: Master Plumber
License #: 2710066245
Expiration: 02-28-2022

Trade: Class A Contractor
License #: 2705140622
Expiration: 11-20-2022